To become + Adjektiv

Auch wenn to become mit einem Adjektiv in Verbindung gebracht wird, bedeutet es in der einen oder anderen Art und Weise werden.

to become ...    
apparent deutlich, klar werden It became apparent that we could not help him.
anxious nervös werden He became anxious, because she did not call him.
aware (of) (sich) bewusst werden We became aware of this problem only yesterday.
bankrupt pleite werden, in Konkurs geraten They became bankrupt due to the bad management.
fond (of) gern haben, jemanden mögen They became very fond of each other.
indispensable unersetzlich werden He worked so hard, he became indispensable.
liable haftbar werden At the age of 14, people become liable for their action.
popular beliebt werden With his music, he became very popular.
redundant überflüssig werden I wanted to avoid becoming redundant in the company.
sober nüchtern werden Very slowly, he became sober after a week of drinking.
successful erfolgreich werden Thanks to hard work, he finally became successful.
upset sich aufregen, aufgeregt werden I became upset when I heard the news.
valid gültig werden The contract became valid last year.
visible sichtbar werden The tree became visible in the fog.
void ungültig werden With this declaration, the old agreement becomes void.
worthless wertlos werden The stone became worthless to her.

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