14.2.3 Bildung der Verlaufsform des Futur I

Die Verlaufsform des Futur I wird - wie alle Verlaufsformen - gebildet, indem man to be in die entsprechende Zeit setzt (hier Futur I) und das Verb mit der Endung -ing anhängt.

Bildung der Verlaufsform des Futur I
Futur I von to be Verb + ing  
I will be go ing I will be going to New York for Christmas
you will be jump ing You will be jumping for joy because of your new car.
he will be sit-t ing He will be sitting in his chair.
we will be wait ing We will be waiting for you.
you will be hurry ing You will be hurrying to the metro station.
they will be drink ing They will be drinking all my wine.

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